



hasbara es la ciencia de crear una version del conflicto favorable a Iisrael ... adicionalmente la ciencia de garantizar que esa version de los hechos sea casi la unica que aparezca en los periodicos y noticieros


ejemplo tomado de la pagian de opinion de El Tiempo (Julio-11-2014) Nueva ronda de violencia de Hamas Israel bajo el fuego por Yoed Magen (Embajasobre de Israel en Colombia) a partir del año 2000 mas de 14000 misiles han sido lanzados contra israel desde la franja de Gaza por Hamas el objetivo de Hamas es la aniquilacion de Israel desde el cece al fuego del 2012 ( despues de la operacion "Pilar Defendsivo" ) Hamas ha estado esperando volver a atacar Israel en abril del 2014 Israel advirtio sobre el peligro del acuerdo de unidad nacional pactado entre la Autoridad Palestina (AP) y Hamas. tal como israel lo advirtio en junio13 fueron asesinados 3 jovenes israelies por Hamas Israel mantivo prudencia durante semanas hasta que en juliio 7 la paciencia se agoto y empezo la operacion "Margen Protector" en la zona de Gaza israel hace miles de llamadas telefonicas y les lanza volantes de advetencia para proteger los civiles en Gaza de sus misiles, Hamas hace lo contrario, dirigen sus ataques a nuestros civiles y se esconden entre su poblacion civil Hamas no busca ningun acuerdo con Israel sino la Gerra Santa (Yihad) que mantiene a los ciudadanos israelies bajo constate amenaza Israel tiene el derecho a una legitima defensa para eliminar la amenza a sus ciudadanos


En todas las noticia sobre el conflicto aparece que israel esta atacando EN RESPUESTA a los ataques de Hamas... pero la realidad es que los misiles de Hamas son lanzados DESPUES de un ataques de israel.... Esta tambien la diferencia abismal entre el poder destructivo de los misiles artesanales de Hamas y los misiles de verdad de Israel los jovenes fueron asesinados en la Franja Occidental (West Bank) muy posiblemente como una reaccion a la ocupacion que rutinariamente humilla (y ocasionalmete mata ) a palestinos de la zona ocupada . El gobierno israeli aprovecho la alianza de la AP y HAMAS para convertir este incidente en un ataque de Hamas y asi inicar otra de sus rondas de destruccion y muerte en Gaza. Ademas los colonos israelies secuetraron y quemaron vivo a un joven palestino en represalia. Hamas no esta interesado en provocar a Israel pero Israel necesita mantener la ilusion de "estar bajo constante amenaza" provocando periodicamente a Hamas. Israel aprovecha estos ataques para destruir la infraestructura de Gaza porque segun Israel los terroristas de Hamas se esconden en todas partes. Mientras tanto Israel continua la creacion de asentamientos judios en la WB. Los colonos judios regularmente destruyen propiedad palestina sin ninguna consecuencia.



4 million Palestinian Refugees 3 million Occupied 254 km of an Apartheid Wall 562 Humiliation-check-points 20K Political-prisoners 468,831 new settlers on an Occupied land

Disappearance of Palestine

Destruction of 350 Churches & Mosques Has Killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country 50,000+ Has Imprisoned more civilians per capita 250,000+


An old man in Gaza held a placard that reads:
        You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, 
        take my job, 
        steal my land, 
        imprison my father,
        kill my mother, 
        bombard my country, 
        starve us all, 
        humiliate us all
        but I am to blame: I shot a rocket back


    Jews are entited to go back to a land they were exiled from 2000 years ago
    zionism came about because of the holocaust

    palestinian-israeli conflict is a religious conflict: isaac vs ismael
    palestinian-israeli conflict: foreigners took land and possessions of some people

    judaism is a religion with a set of moral values like christinity 
    zionism is a colonial enterprise 
    that took land using violence and terror violating jewish moral values.

    there is a genetic link between jews now living in israel 
    and jew that lived there 2000 years ago
    most come from europeans that converted to judaism  in their original countries

    Gaza: 1500000 people imprisoned in a small area: israel controls all its borders including air and sea.
    they have little food, little medecine and are periodically bombed.
    there are about 1.3 millions palestinians which are citizens of the state of israel today. They idea is
    to brand them as to prevent that nobody else can claim right to return to israel.
    there are 6 millions palestinians living outside israel that have no right to return to palestine.        


    Zionism was a movement created in 1886 by Theodore Hertz to create a state for the jews
    as the only way to protect them from european atisemitism
    later they decided the state should be in Palestine  and found the support of the British government
    with  the Belford Declaration (1917) which at that time was administering Palestine  after the Otoman empire
    desintegrated  during 1st world war.

    In 1882 there were 3% jews in  ottoman empire palestine
    in 1917 jews were 10% in the british administered palestine
    before the 2nd war holocaust must jews in the world were opposed to zionism
        because they thought is was morally wrong, 
        because it would create a never ending conflict with arabs
        and also because it would create antisemitism

    in 1947 jews were 30% and owned 7% of the land
    and arabs were 70% and owned 93% of the land

    in 1947 the UN launched a resolution to partition palestine giving 53% of the land to jews
    and  47% of the land for arabs.

    In 1948 while the UN was deciding on the resolution israel declared the state on 78% of the land.
    In the war that followed israel destroying 400 arab villages 
    and made 700000 palestinian refugees who fled to Gaza, West Bank and neighbouring countries.
    150000 palestinians remained in the new state of israel.

    in 1967 israel took control of the remaining 22% of palestine, 
    Between 1967 and 2010 israel has demolishe 24000 homes in the occupied territories  
    and thousands mnore inside israel. the idea is to control the occupied territories 
    forever grabbing more land each day for jewish settlers,  
    Israel is making very difficul for palestinians farmers to work
    in their land and there is a law that if a farm land is not used in 3 years it return to the state. 
    Israel wants all palestinians in the West Bank to be concentated in a few areas administerd by 
    the palestinian authority.


israeli armi

    A recent academic study of Israeli soldiers’ testimonies suggested their operational 
    routines quickly numbed them into treating harassment and aggression towards 
    Palestinians as normal.  
    The young soldiers came to enjoy a sense of power and their ability to impose 
    “corrective punishment”. -
    Avner Gvarayahu of Breaking the Silence, a group of former soldiers who compile 
    testimonies of soldiers’ abuses, agreed. 
    He said the real rules of engagement issued by commanders were “flexible” and 
    allowed soldiers to open fire on civilians.
        "Soldiers are educated by the army to see the conflict as a zero-sum game: 
        It’s either us or them.  
        Then every Palestinian comes to be seen as a threat, as a potential terrorist, 
        whether they are young or old, man or woman, able-bodied or disabled. 
        They are all the enemy"
    Gvarayahu, who once commanded a special operations unit, said the army command 
    also approved of what he called “revenge attacks”,  
    raids on random Palestinian communities in retaliation for the deaths of Israelis. 
        “There is no way these kinds of attacks can be carried out by ordinary soldiers 
        without authorisation from the very top.  
        I think the decision even comes from the political level.”
    He said political and military leaders established the norms of behaviour within the army. 
        “Remember that the current defence minister, Moshe Yaalon, when he was the chief 
        of staff [in 2002], said the army’s job was to  
        ‘burn into the consciousness’ of the Palestinians their defeat.  
        The only aim one can infer from that is that the army’s role is to use force to 
        make the Palestinians weak and compliant.”
    Yes. IDF is just as much a way to keep Palestinians in check as to keep Israeli 
    citizens brainwashed.  
    New conscripts are bullied by peer pressure or plain ordered to humiliate, 
    torture and kill Palestinians.   
    When they leave you'd think a lot of them would be disgusted with themselves, 
    but in fact, in order to do that,  they'd have to face up to a sobering cognitive dissonance
        "I used to do all these horrible things, therefore I am a horrible person" 
    that is not bearable  so they reach out for common rationalizations 
        "It keeps us safe" or 
        "Palestinians are inhuman anyway",  
        "They want us dead so we are just defending ourselves" and so on.
    An ever larger share of the officer corps of the Israel Defense Forces comes from Orthodox or settler families.

firing zones

Sakher Daragmeh was killed as he tended goats close to the remote village of al-Aqaba 
    in the northern Jordan Valley.
    For decades shepherds and farmers have been paying the price in the West Bank of 
    an aggressive Israeli policy to create military firing zones on their land, 
    said Dror Etkes, an expert on settlements.
    He has accused Israel of using the firing zones as a way to ethnically 
    cleanse Palestinians from large areas of the West Bank.

israeli feelings

    israelies feel they are bringing progress to palestinians. But palestinians are 
    ungarateful so therefore they must be punished. israelies feel they are the 
    only victims.

    Golda Meyer once said: we will never forgive the arabs for what they forced us to become.    

